Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Our "great" Pumpkins

I have to say I am not a fan of Halloween. First my dear children pester me for the whole month of September about what their costume should consist of. Usually it is far from what they will end up with, but you can't blame a kid for dreaming. Then add to that the usual cold, candy and running them around town all dressed up, it just isn't my favorite thing to do.....until this year when we have to miss it. My mom is going to get to do all the dressing up and running around with my sugared up girls and I am surprised to say, I am pretty sad. So tonight we broke tradition on dragging our feet about carving pumpkins and did it a little bit early. The oldest opted to go on an outing and have her first and maybe only limo ride, but that is a whole different story. The other two were in pumpkin heaven. The three year old kept telling me she had to have an ah-choo on her pumpkin. What the heck is that......then I figured it out. She wanted something coming out of it's nose. I swear this is no normal three year old. The pumpkins got done, the mess didn't seem so bad this year and we had more fun than normal. Now I just have to come to terms with sending them out the door Friday and getting on a plane. Who plans a convention over Halloween? I am going to have a little chat with them about that when I get there. In the meantime, I be more willing to fix their costumes, buy them treats and get all the Halloweening in while I am here.

1 comment:

{krista} said...

I just can't get over how BIG Hailey is getting!!! Where does the time go?

We need to get our pumpkins carved. We're just lazy.