Monday, November 10, 2008

Bubbles, bubbles everywhere

Friday morning at our house was a relaxing kind of a day. I spent the morning getting myself ready for the day while my baby took a bubble bath. This is not the normal routine at our house. Usually she is scared to death of bubbles. She always tells me to make sure and not turn the "shets" aka jets on. In fact all I have to do to get her out is tell her she needs to pull the plug and get out or I am pushing the button to turn the "shets" on. This is one of the only times she listens to me. She's three....and very independant, I will do about anything to get her to listen to me. Anyway, Friday she was very amused by the bubbles. Then I showed her how to look like Santa. She loved it. She was so dissappointed when the bubbles all popped she even let me turn those scary "shets" on so they would come back. It was a good morning........if only it had lasted all day.

When B and M&M came home from school, it turned into party time at our house and the relaxation of the bubble bath was the farthest thing from my baby's mind. The older two girls each had a friend, my baby didn't, so it because her goal to let her sisters know she was not happy about the whole situation. If I had been smart, I would have filled the tub, turned the "shets" on and let her sink into oblivion again. Heaven only knows I wanted to!

The whole afternoon did lead to a very nice date night after hubby came home and I declared I needed to get out. I love going out and just enjoying hanging out with my hubby. Sometimes there is very little said, ok.....maybe not by me, but he is a good sport and we have a good time. As a reward for babysitting while we went out on Friday night, I took the girls to High School Musical 3 Saturday. It was a cute movie, not one hubby would have enjoyed, so it was good he stayed home. Next time I am leaving the baby with him so I don't have to try and coax her out of the isle, or buy her a $3.50 piece of licorice, or drag her cute little screaming behind through Walmart as we ran errands on the way home. I am sure we were a sight to behold. Too bad there isn't a mute button we can push in times like that. Wouldn't that look funny.

Anyway, I am always sad to see the week-end pass and start the new week all over again. There is just something magical about being able to take the time to enjoy life just a little more, spend a little more time with each other, and take the time to enjoy the bubbles.

1 comment:

{krista} said...

If I had "shets" I would still have a tub! Too bad we can't all sit back and enjoy the bubbles just a little bit more (but not the "shets" when it's said incorrectly... ha ha)