Wednesday, January 14, 2009

One Cute Blog...

Sometimes I wonder if I can get any blonder but apparently I can. I have this really good friend, Kris, who is the only one who ever comments on my blog, and she has the cutest dang blogs. I have always looked at it with addoration, but thought I could never be that talented.......until I discovered she designs them and shares them. Where have I been. Sorry it took me so long Kris. She mentioned in her blog she has been featured in a real book. How cool is that? So now if my blog is really cute, I give all the credit and thanks to Kris on One Cute Blog. Thanks for the inspiration.....sorry it took me so long :).


{krista} said...

ROFL! You didn't know that? I guess I really don't talk about it much, now do I? Yeah, well, I can fix that header for ya, too, ya know... you are so funny!

Julia said...

That would be awesome. I am so untalented when it comes to all this stuff. You never cease to amaze me.