Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Happy B-day M & M

10 years ago today, right at this moment, I was in the hospital getting ready to welcome daughter number 2 into the world. I had just spent the evening before watching the news as the Columbine trajedy unfolded wondering what was going to become of my little ones in this world of ours. I was telling her just yesterday what Columbine is, and what happened there. I have always been thankful for a little bit of joy during the aftermath of such a terrible thing.

M & M hasn't changed much since she came into the world. She has always known what she wanted, and usually figures out a way to get it. When she was little people told me she should be the new gerber baby, or go to hollywood. She is definately dramatic enough to do that, but like her father, she does not like people telling her what to do. I don't know if hollywood could handle her or not.

I am proud of M and the person she has become in these short 10 years. At home she is a little trouble maker, always pushing buttons. (thus the reason for the large age gap between her and the baby) Away from home she is a sweet girl who is very aware of those around her. She tries to do what she thinks is right and spends a lot of time by herself because she is not willing to change her values to go along with the crowd. She is a great example to others. I feel like the luckiest mom in the world to have such a beautiful 10 year old today.

On the downside, that means I have 2 children in the "double digits" and means I am getting older. I do not like to be reminded of that fact even thought the image in the mirror is a constant reminder. The grey hair I try to hide, the wrinkles, and all the other loverly things that happen as we get older. I am thankful for my health, and my family.

Anyway.....we are going to enjoy the evening taking her to eat anywhere her heart desires and then home to watch Bigget Loser, her favorite show. And since it is her birthday, she will probably get to stay up and watch the whole thing. Then we will have to brace ourselves for her party with her friends over the week-end.

So M & M, have a great day and know your mom loves you and thinks you are fabulous.

1 comment:

{krista} said...

Happy Birthday M&M!