Wednesday, November 19, 2008

There is a crazy lady in my house....

Do ya ever have those days where you think your children would rather you disappear into the wild blue yonder so they can just do what they want, and not have mommy dear yappin about everything I think they should be doing? Have they ever pushed you so far you feel like a stranger takes over your body and you lose any sense of reason? Well, today was one of those days. The crazy lady reared her ugly head and my kids all went to bed praying for a better day. I just don't understand some days what they are thinking. Yes, I expect you to clean up the bathroom floor EVERY night. Yes, I do want you to straighten your room and not lie to me about it. Since when did I say it was ok to leave candy wrappers all over the floor and the candy that should have been in them ground into the new carpet. I don't ask a lot out of them, but I do want them to do a few things around the house. The biggest question is why I don't get any response out of them until I lose my cool. "Please" doesn't seem to phase them, but a yelling maniac gets results. (it kind of resembles the tantrums my three year old mature is that?) This all could have something to do with the fact that daddy is out of town on business and I have been a single mom all week. They are missing him as bad as I am. Cudo's to all you single mom's out there by the way, I don't know how you survive day to day and I have a lot of respect for you.
Anyway, I need to get my house in order so it feels better tomorrow, get some sleep and make sure I let my kids know tomorrow that I really do love them and think they are the most amazing bunch of girls in the whole world. (hopefully you think that about your kids's just what a mom is supposed to think). Most of all I need to make sure the crazy lady is gone for a long, long time. Takes way more out of me and them than it is really worth.

1 comment:

{krista} said...

You know, Cody is out of town right now, and 9/10 times, my kids are angelic when he is gone (we're used to it, though), but today... I tell ya, there was something in the air! Justin was good as gold, but those girls... they went to bed weeping and wailing after a whale of a tongue thrashing, too! I know for me, I am the one that has a harder time dealing with them when they are like this, it just never seems as bad when he's around! I totally feel your pain!